PT Prudential Life Assurance (Sumatera Utara)
Perusahan Asuransi terkemuka di dunia Prudential, mencari beberapa staff yang memiliki semangat tinggi, pekerja keras, ulet, inisiatif, jujur serta berdedikasi tinggi untuk dididik menjadi :
Sales Executive (Tenaga Pemasaran)
Pematangsiantar (Sumatera Utara)
Usia 18- 40 tahun
Pria dan wanita
Mempunyai relasi yang kuat
Pendidikan Min. SLTA / SMU / sederajat
Sudah Memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
Bersedia mengikuti training & ujian AAJI (Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia).
Mendapatkan komisi dan jalan jalan ke luar negri
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan menghubungi kantor Prudential terdekat di kota anda atau silahkan menghubungi Ibu Dipo Mahyani Sinaga (HP: 0853 7439 8402 / Pin BB:22C8CFB5)
Penutupan : 18 Mei 2013
PT Central Santosa Finance
CENTRAL SANTOSA FINANCE is member of Grup BCA which is engaged motorcycle financing. Along with a dynamic business growth, currently we need a professional to fill the position:
Account Officer Supervisor (AO)
Denpasar (Bali), Jawa Barat, Cilacap (Jawa Tengah), Kudus (Jawa Tengah), Malang (Jawa Timur), Mojokerto (Jawa Timur), Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan), Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur), Samarinda (Kalimantan Timur), Pekanbaru (Riau), Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan), Pematangsiantar (Sumatera Utara)
Male, max. 30 years old
Min. Bachelor Degree of any disciplines, GPA ≥ 2.75
Have die hard attitude, leadership and team building abilities
Have passion and perseverance to succeed in sales
Ready to work under pressure with proactive action
Excellent in sales, interpersonal communication and presentation skills
Having wide networking
Self confidence and flexibility
Having own vehicle
Kirimkan CV lengkap Anda ke
Penutupan : 18 Mei 2013
Wismilak Inti Makmur
As the national company in the cigarettes products, we are constantly innovating to improve the quality of product and deliver value to our customers. We are seeking for potential individuals to be part of our winning team
Promotor (PMTR-JS)
Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan), Jember (Jawa Timur), Malang (Jawa Timur), Pematangsiantar (Sumatera Utara)
Male, max. 27 years old.
Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, any field (GPA min. 2.75/4)
Have driving license (C).
Hard worker, communicative, have interest in marketing.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Full-Time position(s) available.
We would like to invite you to apply for the above position by sending your C.V with attached photograph and code of the position as subject to :
PT. Wismilak Inti Makmur, Jl. Dr. Soetomo No. 27, Surabaya
Penutupan : 29 Mei 2013
Wismilak Inti Makmur
As the national company in the cigarettes products, we are constantly innovating to improve the quality of product and deliver value to our customers. We are seeking for potential individuals to be part of our winning team
FM Driver (FMD-JS)
Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan), Madura (Jawa Timur), Malang (Jawa Timur), Pematangsiantar (Sumatera Utara)
Candidate must possess at least a SMU, any field.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Full-Time position(s) available.
Driving skills.
Have driving license (A&C)
We would like to invite you to apply for the above position by sending your C.V with attached photograph and code of the position as subject to :
PT. Wismilak Inti Makmur, Jl. Dr. Soetomo No. 27, Surabaya
Penutupan : 29 Mei 2013
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