Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Oktober 2013 Engineer Tambang Sumatera Selatan - Daftar Info Terbaru kali ini membahas mengenai Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Oktober 2013 Engineer Tambang Sumatera Selatan, lowongan kerja ini membutuhkan pekerja pada posisi Engineer

Buat anda yang bertempat tinggal di daerah Sumatra Selatan dan sekitarnya lowongan ini sangatlah cocok untuk jenjang karir Anda kedepannya. Selengkapnya kami berikan Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Oktober 2013 Engineer Tambang Sumatera Selatan di bawah ini :
Mine Engineer (Position Code : ME) - Company Confidential
Develop Long-term and Short-term mining plans
Responsible for the design, optimization and scheduling aspects of open pit mining projects
Ensures the safe and economically sound development of mines and other surface and underground operations
Assessing new mining sites and the viability of new mining ventures
Modeling/designing potential mine sites
Preferably male, age 22-30 years old
Bachelor degree in Mine Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00 (scale 4.00). Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
Ability to use modeling/mining software (Autocad, Mapinfo, Surpact or Minescape)
Understanding in mining operation like Overburden and Coal Production, Drilling and Blasting, Fleet Management, Heavy Equipment and Supporting Understanding in Cost Analysis, Material and Transportation/Coal Handling System
Familiar in handling heavy equipments to support mine operations activities
Highly motivated, have good communication skills, negotiation skills, independent and dynamic with capacity to work under pressure in fast-paced and challenging environment, hardworker, and have good integrity
Willing to be located in Sekayu, South Sumatera
Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV, recent photograph, and current salary to email:, closing date 24 Oktober 2013
Please put the position code as your email subject. Only short listed candidates will be processed.
Company Overview
We are company with business specialized in coal mining and we are have licensing agreement for coal mining enterprises (PKP2B). We are in search of qualified personnel for the following position:
Sekian yang dapat kami informasikan tentang Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Oktober 2013 Engineer Tambang Sumatera Selatan. Semoga informasi yang kami berikan bermanfaat bagi Anda. Baca juga Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Oktober 2013 Perpajakan Tax Officer
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