PT MITRA INTERTRANS FORWARDING as a member of the Meratus Group have many years of professional experience in providing logistics & forwarding service to all major business throughout Indonesia including major mining companies - with over 15 offices in Surabaya, Balikpapan, Batam, Benoa, Banjarmasin, Benete, Sampit, Kumai, Medan, Jakarta, Kupang, Palu, Semarang, Kendari, Makassar, Bitung etc and planning to open more.
Through deploying IT system and empowering a highly qualified and motivated workforce, we believe that people development is best accomplish through continuous challenges in both theoretical and practical application. Our aim is to ensure that each position will fulfill by the right candidates to strengthen our team in the future and to achieve our vision. Now, we are currently seeking good candidates to fulfill the key position in our business.
Customer Service (MIF-Kupang)
Send your application letter, curriculum vitae, recent photograph, and your salary request :
Tgl Penutupan : 15 Januari 2014
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