Buma Perindahindo is one of company in Buma Group. Buma Group is from a family business that provided manpower services and seismic equipment, drilling exploration in oil & gas companies, and general trade for communities in Papua Island. In 1987, PT Buma Perindahindo was established, which provided logistic services, construction and maintenance facility services to oil and gas companies. Buma Group are consist of three companies, that are PT Buma Intinaker, PT Buma Perindahindo and PT Pelayaran Tanjung Kumawa.
Buma has the slogan Beyond Expectaions, United in Team Spirit, Move in Faith and A Spire To Be The Best. Through programmable and continuous career plan, Buma Group improves knowledge and capability of employees in accordance with industrial standards, so as to be ready to compete at either national or international levels. With a vision to improve professionalism & integrity, for the future we will put effort continuosly to become one of the leading service companies for mining, and oli& gas industries in local regional areas as well as global.
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'Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/ phones for test & interview'
Penutupan : 2 Januari 2014
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