PT Inetindo Infocom
PT. Inetindo Infocom, an IT reseller company (brand name Story-i) an Apple Authorised Reseller is looking for a suitable candidate with adequate experience to fill in several position within the company.
Join the Collaborative Story-i. Think as a team. Enjoy work like never before.
You enjoy a challenge? You have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to be one of the best?
Then benefit from the Story-i culture. At Story-i, we draw on each other’s capacities and experiences, to inspire and motivate one another.
Customer Service - Jayapura
Jayapura (Papua)
Male/Female, max. 27 years old
Education min. High School or above
Good Looking
Strong communication skill
Fluent in English ( both oral and written )
Computer literate (MS Office&Email)
Hardworker, Honest, Able to work underpressure
If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with us, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to :
Penutupan : 15 Juni 2013
PT Inetindo Infocom
Join the Collaborative Story-i. Think as a team. Enjoy work like never before.
You enjoy a challenge? You have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to be one of the best?
Then benefit from the Story-i culture. At Story-i, we draw on each other’s capacities and experiences, to inspire and motivate one another.
Technician Specialist - Jayapura
Jayapura (Papua)
Male, max. 30 years old
Technical high school or above
Troubleshooting Hardware and Software for Pc (Mac,Windows,Linux), HP (iOS,Blackberry,Android)
Hardworker, Honest, Able to work underpressure
If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with us, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to:
Penutupan : 20 Juni 2013
PT. DIMA INDONESIA, National Distributor of Guinness Beer is seeking for highly qualified individuals to join the Finance
and Accounting Team to meet the current and future growth for:
Area Sales Promotion Supervisor Jayapura
Papua - Jayapura
Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, any field.
Required skill(s): have experiences in sales and marketing fmcg, Meet established goals and objectives.
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Applicants must be willing to work in Jayapura.
Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Sales - Retail/General or equivalent.
Full-Time position(s) available.
All applicants will be treated in strict confidence. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Please send in
a comprehensive resume, hand phone number and photograph to the address below :
Penutupan : 19 Juni 2013
PT Enseval Putera Megatrading Tbk
PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading, Tbk.merupakan salah satu distributor consumer dan farmasi terbesar di Indonesia yang mempu menjangkau seluruh pelosok nusantara dengan 42 cabang kami. Selain produk-produk consumer & farmasi, kami juga menyalurkan produk-produk nutrisi, kesehatan masyarakat, kosmetik, peralatan medis, diagnosi dan bahan baku.
Sejalan dengan perkembangan dan strategi bisnis di masa mendatang, kami mengundang individu –individu yang berpotensi dan bersemangat tinggi untuk menjadi bagian dari “winning team” kami melalui program :
Warehouse Development Program (Kode: WDP)
(Manado & Jayapura)
Jayapura (Papua), Manado (Sulawesi Utara)
Usia maksimal 29 tahun
Pendidikan Profesi Apoteker
Memiliki pengetahuan document control atau administrative, serta menguasai MS Office.
Memiliki kemampuan control, analisa yang baik, komunikasi serta interpersonal skill yang baik.
Hard worker, team player, comunicative dan detail oriented
Bersedia ditempatkan disemua cabang dalam region asal
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta pas foto terbaru (size: 3x4) dengan mencantumkan Kode Program dan Kode Wilayah Penempatan pada Subjek Email atau Pojok Kanan Atas Amplop, Contoh: (WDP-Zona 1), paling lambat 2minggu setelah iklan ditayangkan.
PT. Enseval Putera Megatrading, Tbk.
Jl. Pulo Lentut 10, Kawasan Industri Pulo Gadung,
Jakarta Timur 13920, Ph. 021-46822422 (
Up. Recruitment & Assessment Dept atau
email ke
Penutupan : 7 Juni 2013
PT Indaco Coatings Industry
Perusahaan Kami bergerak di bidang Manufacture dan Distribusi cat, Membuka kesempatan karir untuk posisi :
Staf Administrasi (SA) - Jayapura
Jayapura (Papua)
Usia 20 – 33 tahun
Literatur computer minimal microsoft office
Pendidikan SLTA– S1 semua jurusan
Memiliki kemampuan leadership, integritas dan etos kerja yang tinggi
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik dan bisa bekerja dalam tim
Jujur, disiplin, pekerja keras, supel, siap bekerja di bawah tekanan dan target.
Fresh graduate / berpengalaman
Alamat :
PT. Indaco Coatings Industry :
Jl. Solo Sragen KM 13,2
Pulosari - Kebakkramat
Solo - Karanganyar
Penutupan : 15 Juni 2013
Sekian yang dapat kami informasikan tentang Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Juni 2013 Jayapura, semoga informasi tentang lowongan kerja ini dapat bermanfaat buat anda yang membutuhkannya. Baca juga Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Juni 2013 Dumai
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